DAILY: 1/8/17

Today was a day of relaxation. For someone like me, who is constantly worrying about work and productivity, this is a hard thing to do: relax. Have to say that it was mighty nice to just stay cozy in bed.



First order of business was catching up on American Horror Story: Hotel. I had started it awhile back but never got to finish it cause I was always busy. Needless to say…I finished the season. No spoilers but it was quite heartwarming at the end. Ended nicely.

One thing I’m proud of is that I didn’t go out for food or order food (namely pizza–even though I was craving it). All my meals were homemade and healthy–still trying to represent all food groups in the daily meals. It is just one day so far but progress nonetheless.

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Breaky started with wheat toast with spinach, green onion and an over-easy egg with sprinkled red cayenne pepper plus a glass of milk. Lunch was a chicken salad sandwich between two slices of wheat bread plus a 1/4 cup of pistachios. And dinner was turkey taco salad on a bed of spinach with a bowl of strawberries for dessert.


For the rest of the night, I virtually hung out with some friends from my college days. They played video games like The Forest (pictured above), Battlefield and Warframe, and we all chatted via the Discord app. It’s been a few years since I’ve talked to any of them, but it was still a lot of fun catching up and chilling.

I think something I should do more of this year is reconnect with old friends. At New Year’s I went to a party with older friends from high school and college, and it felt great seeing them again and we’re seeing each other next weekend. Yesterday I Skyped with one of my best friends from college and felt great. And today I hung out with other friends.

Sometimes when we’re out in the world trying to find our way and take care of ourselves, we tend to forget about who we’ve known. Not on purpose–but just that we all get busy and don’t find the time to talk and maintain friendships. Luckily the people I’ve reconnected with haven’t dropped me from their lives and we can continue our friendships.
